I’ve seen many of your videos on youtube, you are quite an impressive musician. I have been learning Wolven Storm thanks to your tab and video. I would really like to learn Merchants of Novigrad the way you play it with the 12 string and 6 string. Can I please have the Tabs for this piece? I noticed it is missing from your website. I would be happy to pay/make a donation for such content 🙂
My solo album Bonum Musica has been released. So far you can only order the swedish CD version on: http://www.riverside-records.se. Shortly it will also be released in a digital version. So keep your eyes opened! I will come back as soon as I know more details. Rock on!
Hi Jonas,
I’ve seen many of your videos on youtube, you are quite an impressive musician. I have been learning Wolven Storm thanks to your tab and video. I would really like to learn Merchants of Novigrad the way you play it with the 12 string and 6 string. Can I please have the Tabs for this piece? I noticed it is missing from your website. I would be happy to pay/make a donation for such content 🙂
Thanks in advance.
P.S Your contact page is not working!